But what can I do?

Recovery Coaching for men

Do you relate to any of these:

Has your wife asked for a Full Disclosure?

Is your wife considering leaving you due to porn use or infidelity?

Does preoccupation with sexual thoughts impact your relationships?

Have you started a journey of personal recovery, but don't know how to recover your relationship?

Do you get told "you just don't get it" or "you aren't here for me" by your wife or partner?

Have you just been discovered using porn or being unfaithful, and need help?

Do you need help staying sober from a Sex or Porn addiction?

Coaching can help!


Coaching can help you find the path the the best relationship / marriage you’ve ever had.

Coaching can give you focus to keep your marriage whole.

You can learn how to “get it” and “be there for her", for the relationship, and for yourself all at the same time.

About Coach Bryan CPC, CDGC, ACC.

Bryan is a Certified Partner Coach through APSATS, an Associate Certified Coach through the ICF, a Certified Disclosure Guide (CDGC) and a Certified Deconstructing Gaslighting Repair Specialist(CDGRS). Bryan has been trained in the Early Recovery Couples Recovery Model (ERCEM) by Carol Juergensen Sheets.

Bryan has experience working with men who struggle with compulsive sexual behaviors. His own story involves recovery and redemption from a broken marriage, and growth into a much healthier one. He knows the pain of a broken relationship, and how to move from there onto the path of improving it. Bryan's passion is helping men be better and couples recover.